WEW6: Polite and Diplomatic Language

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps using the words below, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
   appear      based      be      bit      could      far      have      market      might      need      offer      particular      possible      quite      reasonably      Regarding      regions      seem      So      think      urgently   
On the island of Bozburun there to be two main problems. Firstly, the fact that the tourism industry is on just one product, ‘sun and sand’ type holidays, be a disadvantage, and secondly, the fact that the tourists who come to your island don’t to spend very much money. It’s true that your economy appears to benefited from tourism, but on the other hand you also seem to have had a too much poor quality construction and not enough attention to planning. These mistakes to be learned from, otherwise your few remaining natural areas could destroyed.

the problem of low spending by your visitors, a solution could be to focus on improving the product you offer. Unless you do this, you not survive in the future. Other countries now seem to beach holidays at cheaper prices than yours. you might want to look for new markets, both in terms of the type of customer you attract, and the geographical they visit.

As as developing new regions is concerned, you might want to about supporting tourism in the interior of the country, particularly ‘cultural tourism’. To start with, you need to restore many of the old churches, castles and other historic buildings, and then, you could also the attractions of these rural areas more actively.

On the whole I’m optimistic about the future of your industry, but it’s going to become more and more important to pay attention to customer service. In you should give more training to employees in the hotel and restaurant sectors.